Thursday, May 6, 2010

HP Tablet Fedora UBUNTU

Installing UBUNTU 9.04 on HP TX1000 laptop (touchscreen+fingerprint)

1.       Install Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty

2.       Connect to Internet and open SYSTEM>ADMINISTRATION>HARDWARE DRIVERS

3.       Install NVIDIA current version

4.       Install Broadcomm B43 driver

5.       Install software modem driver

6.       Download eGalaxDriver from website

(download for kernel 2.6.xx)

7.       Extract tarball and run from terminal with sudo

8.       Restart Computer and run (with Alt+F2) "eGalaxTouch" (without quotes and linux is case sensitive)

9.       Configure your touchscreen

10.   Open xorg.conf with following command

sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

11.   Under Section "Device" add the following line

Option "RandRRotation"        "True"


12.   Create two launchers on your gnome panel with following commands:-


xrandr –o 1                (for tablet mode) P.S. u can set it "3" as well if u want opposite rotation)

xrandr –o 0                        (for Laptop mode)


13.   Install Cellwriter from synaptic

14.   Install xournal from synaptic

15.   Install the following for finger print recognition




16.   Open file common-auth

sudo gedit /etc/pam.d/common-auth

(delete all lines in the file and paste these lines)


Auth    sufficient

Auth    sufficient

Auth    required    nullok_secure


(the first line can be copied 3-4 times if u want to allow more than 1 chance to register fingerprint)

17.   Create keyboard shortcuts for screen rotation (here is an example)

Key                                                                                        Command

Ctrl+Alt+UP                                                                       xrandr –o 0

Ctrl+Alt+LEFT                                                                    xrandr –o 1



(Notes: This Guide will work for any UBUNTU installation upto Karmic (9.10). Unfortunately in Lucid, the developers have tried to provide native support for Touchsdcreen and Nvidia but it has turned out to be sloppy. And there is no xorg file as well. So viable options are to uninstall nv and nouveau drivers and install Nvidia and the run sudo nvidia-xconfig from command line. After that follow steps 4 to 17)

INSTALLING FEDORA 12 on HP tx1000 laptop (touchscreen + fingerprint)


ð  Good news galore :: WLAN, Modem and fingerprint works out of the box. And behold, behold... there is a proper GUI Process with instructions on usage of fingerprint during to login and fingerprints can be enrolled through GUI in Account information..... so that leaves us with only Touchsscreen)


1.       Install Fedora

2.       Install NVIDIA if u want and run nvidia-xconfig with root priviledge ifu really want 3d graphics. I would advice not to take this step if not 3d required as nvidia usually breaks xorg 1.7.x

3.       Open terminal, take root priviledge, enter command "init 3" to go to command line

4.       In CLI enter Xorg –configure to create xorg.conf file

5.       Download eGalaxDriver from website

(download for kernel 2.6.xx)

6.       Extract tarball and run from terminal with sudo

7.       Restart Computer and run (with Alt+F2) "eGalaxTouch" (without quotes and linux is case sensitive)

8.       Configure your touchscreen

9.       Open xorg.conf with following command


sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

10.   Under Section "Device" add the following line


Option "RandRRotation"        "True"


11.   Create two launchers on your gnome panel with following commands:-


xrandr –o 1                (for tablet mode) P.S. u can set it "3" as well if u want opposite rotation)

xrandr –o 0                                (for Laptop mode)


12.   Install Cellwriter from synaptic

13.   Install xournal from synaptic

go visit

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